Today we marvel at how God manifested Himself in Jesus through the first of Christ's signs, the changing of water into wine.
It's special that this sign happens at a wedding, highlighting an idea from the first reading: that despite the ways we've gone astray, God desires to rejoice and be in a relationship with us like a groom rejoices in His Bride.
As God provided for the couple when the wine ran out, God provides us restoration to a life-giving relationship.
Furthermore, He provides for gifts that we can live out our relationship in tune with the Holy Spirit, Who is the source of all gifts.
As we mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, God desires for us to be One Church. On this Sanctity of Life Sunday, we recognize that in God's sight, we all have value. God rejoices in all of us, and reveals His presence to us constantly so we draw close to Him and believe in Him.
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