This Light reached all the nations, and by it, they have come to encounter the God Who was born among the Chosen People.
The Child born unto us is a great gift because, though He was the fulfillment of promises to Israel, He offers salvation to all the world.
In light of this glorious gift, we all have the opportunity to respond and offer our gifts and devotion. Like the Magi, let us lift our gaze above to see the wonders of God and follow the signs to encounter Him, because He has come to be so close to all of us in the whole world.
January is a special month because it was when I participated in the 2005 National Geograph Bee Final Round at Julian Middle School. It's also when I went to Panama for World Youth Day. Taking on a global perspective, I see how God has filled the earth with His light by the Incarnation and inspires us to join with all people in seeking Him.
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