Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 2, 2014: Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

God offers us a revelation of His (motherly) character in the first reading from Isaiah.  He presents the image of a mother and the strong bond she has with her child.  Yet even if that bond should fail, God's love for us never does.  What a powerful image, which offers us the challenge presented in the Gospel reading:  With God loving us so much, can we entrust all the cares of our lives to Him?  He will take care of us, as His special part of Creation, just like He does the birds and the flowers, which don't worry, but simply are what God made them to be.

Entrusting ourselves to God, and resting in Him, we have no need to worry obsessively over the cares of this world.  We turn instead to doing what St. Paul mentions, our work as servants and stewards of the great mysteries of God's love and care for us.

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