Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 23, 2014: 3rd Sunday of Lent

The readings for this day give us reason to ponder our needs, both spiritual and physical.  We can't go very long without water to quench our physical thirst.  The Hebrews were painfully aware of this, and cried out to Moses and God because they were parched in the desert, going so far as to lose trust in God and put Him to the test.  And in this world of sin and evil, we are thirsting for something to take us from evil to goodness.

Jesus declares Himself to be the One whom God provided to satisfy our thirsts.  He declares this while in conversation with a Samaritan woman at the well.  He started off the conversation speaking of physical need, and took the conversation on a course to meet the woman's spiritual need.  By God's grace, living water has come to us in Jesus Christ, taking away our sin, and giving us a newness of life.  We now have peace, deep down inside, as St. Paul writes in the 2nd reading.  We don't have to ever worry about our needs being met, because God has met our greatest need, for salvation.  So we don't need to test God, but trust in Him.

And having received the living water, we now share it with others, being the agents who bring that newness of life to all the world.

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