Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014: Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday

The reading from 1 Peter, while containing a long sentence with many thoughts, speaks beautifully of how we are born anew in hope, which sets us on a path to attaining the salvation won for us through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He does this for us, even though we are mired, like the disciples were, in sin, fear, and doubt.  Through His mercy, Christ grants us peace, so we are free from what mires us.  We are then given a mission to bring that mercy to the world through forgiveness of sins.  This is the new life that God breathes into us through the living Jesus, which manifests itself in the church, whose early days, and purposes even today, are described so well in the first reading.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.  He has truly shown God's power over all that is wrong in the world by conquering death.  And so we no longer fear the ill effects of death.

Joined with Christ, we go from dying to rising with Him in Life Anew, as He now lives in us.  We are thereby set on the path that leads to Eternal Life, and so we focus ourselves above to that place where we are headed.

As Christ lives in us, we truly know the power of the Resurrection in our lives, and go forth, sharing that message with others.

April 19, 2014: Holy Saturday, The Great Easter Vigil

After a day spent in quiet reflection and anticipation, we come to the great Vigil.

O what a night it is, when we recall to mind the story of God's unfolding plan of salvation for us, His people.  Throughout, He has sought to purify for Himself a special people, set apart for His purposes and His Glory.

As His people, with exceeding joy we acclaim the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, triumphant over the grave.

And what joy it is to welcome the newly baptized who, for the first time, experience dying and rising with Christ in sacramental life, and then to renew ourselves in this great mystery as we proceed to the font.

The tone of the night vigil is definitely set well by the glorious words of the Exsultet, proclaimed toward the beginning of the service, with the Paschal candle having been set in place.  It is truly a night to rejoice when Heaven and Earth come together so wondrously.

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014: Good Friday of the Crucifixion

The Passion narrative appears in all four Gospels, with each offering a unique perspective on the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ.

The details in the Passion narrative in the Synoptic Gospels focus on how Jesus agonized over His Passion and suffered.  John's account focuses on how Jesus was fully aware of God's plan for Him in His Passion, and willingly accepted it.  Throughout John's Passion narrative, Jesus is clearly in control of His destiny, fully aware of His purpose--coming as a King, and to testify to the Truth, as He said in the profound conversation with Pilate--and hands Himself over to His Father from the Cross.

Because of His Passion, which He submitted to in reverent obedience to the Father, He now has become our Great High Priest, and has made possible our salvation.

While we commemorate sorrowful circumstances on this day, we also celebrate them, recognizing that the Cross has become for us a source of Life.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014: Maundy Thursday

On this night, we begin the annual celebration of the Sacred Triduum with the Mass of the Lord's Supper, commemorating the anniversary of the Eucharist.

It was on that night, in celebration of God's deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, that Jesus declared, "This is My Body", and "This is My Blood".  He now declared Himself the deliverance God grants in the New Covenant.  But He not only gave of Himself, He also gave a new command, to love one another as He loved us, namely through the example of washing His disciples' feet.

So we turn to God, partaking of the gift of Himself, and then live His command of love, in this New Covenant.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13, 2014: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

At the start of Holy Week, we recount the Passion of Jesus Christ, the agony and suffering He endured at the hands of sinful people.  The first two readings take us deeper:  They reveal that Jesus Christ, although He was God, underwent His Passion in great humility, in submission to the Father's will.  Jesus entrusted Himself to God in the midst of all the mistreatment, knowing God would deliver Him.  And God not only delivered Jesus, but furthermore exalted Him to a high place.  We now praise Him, just like the crowds did as He entered Jerusalem on a donkey, as we remember that by His act of humility, we are delivered.

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6, 2014: 5th Sunday of Lent

We are dead on account of our sins, entombed by the evil of this world.

But God does not desire for us, His created people, to be in such a state.

So Jesus Christ comes, and calls us to rise from our graves, leaving behind the sins that entangle us.  He raises us, and then puts His very Spirit in us, which gives us Life.

Jesus declares to Martha in the Gospel reading from John that He is "the Resurrection and the Life", in response to Martha's saying that Lazarus will rise on "the last day".  Resurrection is not just something that will happen at the end of time.  It is something happening now, as God clears away our sins, and we live anew in His righteousness, as we abide by His Life-giving Spirit.