Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 19, 2014: Holy Saturday, The Great Easter Vigil

After a day spent in quiet reflection and anticipation, we come to the great Vigil.

O what a night it is, when we recall to mind the story of God's unfolding plan of salvation for us, His people.  Throughout, He has sought to purify for Himself a special people, set apart for His purposes and His Glory.

As His people, with exceeding joy we acclaim the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, triumphant over the grave.

And what joy it is to welcome the newly baptized who, for the first time, experience dying and rising with Christ in sacramental life, and then to renew ourselves in this great mystery as we proceed to the font.

The tone of the night vigil is definitely set well by the glorious words of the Exsultet, proclaimed toward the beginning of the service, with the Paschal candle having been set in place.  It is truly a night to rejoice when Heaven and Earth come together so wondrously.

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