Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014: Good Friday of the Crucifixion

The Passion narrative appears in all four Gospels, with each offering a unique perspective on the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ.

The details in the Passion narrative in the Synoptic Gospels focus on how Jesus agonized over His Passion and suffered.  John's account focuses on how Jesus was fully aware of God's plan for Him in His Passion, and willingly accepted it.  Throughout John's Passion narrative, Jesus is clearly in control of His destiny, fully aware of His purpose--coming as a King, and to testify to the Truth, as He said in the profound conversation with Pilate--and hands Himself over to His Father from the Cross.

Because of His Passion, which He submitted to in reverent obedience to the Father, He now has become our Great High Priest, and has made possible our salvation.

While we commemorate sorrowful circumstances on this day, we also celebrate them, recognizing that the Cross has become for us a source of Life.

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