Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 11, 2014: Fourth Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday

In the Gospel reading from John 10, Jesus talks about how He is the Good Shepherd:  He truly cares for the sheep, always looking out for their best interests.  He protects them from those who seek to do them harm.  The sheep are drawn to Him, because they know who He is, and know His love for them.

We, like sheep, have strayed from the Shepherd who cares for us.  And in love and care for us, God sacrificed Himself in Jesus Christ so we could be brought back to following after our Good Shepherd, who guides our very souls.  He has made possible the way of forgiveness of sins, and repentance leading to new Life.

This image of Good Shepherd was demonstrated so powerfully for me this weekend:  I went to one of the two First Communion Masses held this weekend at my home parish.  Right before the Eucharistic Prayer, Father Larry walked to where the First Communicants were sitting, motioned for them to get out of their pews, and personally led them up to the altar, where they gathered as he led the prayer.  I almost cried watching this touching scene, because Father Larry was demonstrating what it means to be a shepherd of God's people, leading them to life, which we find at the Table where Christ offers us His Body and Blood.

It was a moving scene as I celebrate the anniversary of my own first communion.  (By the way, it seems that I may have erred in my previous blog when I wrote it was on May 9.  It seems it might have been on May 2, 1999, but I'm still working on checking that for sure.)

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