Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 14, 2014: Third Sunday of Advent/Gaudete Sunday

In this weekend's readings, at the midpoint of Advent, God speaks to us reasons for rejoicing.

God is doing a marvelous work in the world, which is happening in our hearts.  He brings forth justice to the world through the lowly and humble like us.  We praise Him for looking upon us, and turn to live in righteousness before Him, praying always as we engage in relationship with Him, which is how He brings life to the Earth.  We become the ones who announce the One among us, whom others may not recognize, but whom we do.  Yes, God's great gift of salvation is coming alive in us.  That is great reason for rejoicing.

I also rejoice as I come upon the one-year anniversary of the launch of this blog.  A year ago, Gaudete Sunday's readings, with reasons for rejoicing, inspired me to share a message of joy.  And I have continued in that spirit of joy sharing what God speaks through His Holy Word.

P.S. I apologize for the delay.  In the midst of everything going on in the past week--read: being at Church Monday-Thursday nights--I neglected to realize I hadn't published this.

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