Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 25, 2014: The Feast of the Nativity of the Lord

From time to time in life, people save the best for last.

The 2nd reading from Hebrews in the lectionary for Christmas Mass During the Day tells about how God spoke through prophets throughout the centuries, but now, in these last days, has spoken to us by the Son.

God saved the best expression and revelation of Himself for these last days, namely, Jesus Christ.  He came from outside our world and outside of time to make God present to us in a very real way.  It is one of the great Mysteries of our Faith that God became Flesh in Jesus Christ, born human to reveal God to us.

God must have really wanted to make sure that people knew He was now on Earth.  And so He sent angels to announce this Good News to the shepherds in the fields outside Bethlehem--the Good News that God came for us to bring us salvation, which speaks to what we celebrate in the Paschal Triduum, for you certainly can't have one without the other.  Once the shepherds saw the Christ Child, they went everywhere telling the News--their feet became the feet that carried the glad tidings, as mentioned in the reading from Isaiah.

Indeed, what great joy touches our hearts as we behold God born in the manger so long ago, and born today in our hearts.

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