Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 1, 2015: Feast of Mary, Holy Mother of God

It's the 8th Day after Jesus was born, and in Jewish custom, the child was named on the 8th day after birth.

Jesus's name was given Him before birth, and it signifies the mission He was given, long before His birth.  Jesus means "Yahweh saves".  Christ comes from the Greek for "Anointed One".  So Jesus Christ is the One anointed to save us.

But Jesus doesn't come down from Heaven in clouds of glory to save us.  He came through His mother Mary, becoming a human, so that He might save us humans as a human.  And He shows us the way to the fullness of salvation through Holiness, the Holiness that shows we bear God's name because He has chosen us to be His children.

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