Monday, January 5, 2015

January 4, 2015: Epiphany Sunday

On Nativity Day, December 25, we celebrated the Manifestation of God in the birth of His Son Jesus Christ.  On this occasion of the Epiphany, we celebrate the Manifestation of God that is now visible before all the people of the world.  The readings speak about how the nations, i.e., people outside of Israel, come to God.

Isaiah speaks of a glorious time in the future when the nations will stream toward the Light in Jerusalem, bearing lavish gifts and praising God.

In the Gospel reading, Magi from the learned class of Persia come seeking the Christ Child, following the Star, putting their knowledge of the Heavenly bodies to use in seeking something Higher.  They rejoice when the star brings them to Christ, and there at His house they praise Him and offer Him gifts.  By their journey, they show that Christ has come for everyone, and they lead the way for all the nations to come and praise God through Jesus Christ.

St. Paul speaks about how the Gentiles, the people outside Israel, are also part of God's plan, and have a share in His promises.  By faith, all people seek God and come to praise Him.  Not only does He glorify Israel by His appearing, but He comes to save all peoples in all times.  No longer must anyone be in darkness, for we all come to encounter Christ personally, and we rejoice at finding Him.

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