Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 1, 2015: Second Sunday of Lent

Lent's ultimate prupose is to prepare us for the coming great celebration of the Triduum, in which we commemorate the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We get a glimpse of that glory to come in the Gospel reading, Mark's account of the Transfiguration.  As for the disciples, this glimpse helps us so that we can continue journeying with Christ in dying and rising.  We go knowing our God is for us.  And He wanted to help us so greatly He gave His Son for us, prefigured by Abraham's willingness to face the agony of sacrificing his only son, through whom God said He would bring about His promises.  Because Abraham was faithful, God blessed Him, and said His descendants would a blessing to the world--which is all of us who live out our calling to be faithful to God by serving others in His name.

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