Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 2015: Fifth Sunday of Lent

I know it might sound a little strange to say this, but I find two parts of today's Gospel reading to be humorous.

When Philip and Andrew approach Jesus and say that some Greeks want to see Him, Jesus doesn't give them a straight answer, but commences a long discourse.  When God speaks later, people puzzle over whether it's thunder or an angel.

Humor aside, Jesus deliberately avoids a straight answer to the request, using it as an opportunity to speak about His purpose on Earth.  Even though He is troubled by the prospect, He knows He must die because it is the Father's will, that He be glorified by bringing us new life.  As the reading from Hebrews says, Christ was obedient to God, and then, once perfect, made salvation available for all who obey Him.

We live this new life in the new covenant God has established in Jesus, in which, as Jeremiah writes, God lives in us, putting His Law on our hearts, and we know Him who has saved us.

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