Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016: 4th Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday

Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd.  By His Paschal Mystery He saved us and made us His people, we who strayed and acted up, much like sheep do.  He cares for us intimately and deeply as He leads us into the ways of Eternal Life.  We who are truly His listen to His voice as He guides us to Eternal Life.  Those who don't listen, like in the first reading from Acts, do not follow Him and so are not on the path to Eternal Life.

And in Eternal Life, we will always be under His care as we worship around His throne, as His people, who are drawn from a great diversity of people, as Revelation describes.  We find commonality in following the Good Shepherd's voice through all the difficulties of this life until we reach His Heavenly throne.

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