Wednesday, June 29, 2016

June 26, 2016: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We heard in last weekend's Gospel what it means to follow in the way of Christ, our Lord.  Today, the conditions for discipleship are spelled out in greater specifics.  We must be willing to forgo whatever distracts us as we follow Him.  In so following, we receive an inheritance that leads to Eternal Life. It is at work in us even now as we are set free from sin that we may live in His way of Love, in service to others.

The reading from Galatians presents some meaningful principles as we in the United States approach the Independence Day holiday.  While we cherish freedom, it ultimately finds its meaning when we use it for the purposes of building a better society, a better world for all people.

This is a commitment that the Founding Fathers made.  I couldn't help but think about this idea of commitment while watching 1776, a musical about the independence of the United States.  Abigail Adams reminds John Adams about the importance of commitment, and then shortly thereafter in the movie, John signs about making a commitment, going forward and not looking back, burning the bridges behind him, even in the face of naysayers.

Commitment was on my mind when I attended Mass at St. Teresa's this past Sunday.  I was called anew to a commitment to faith when I first came to St. Teresa's on the threshold of my freshman year at ValpU, entering a community that committed itself to serving God by supporting us students.  Father Kevin celebrated his final weekend of Masses there today, with all the various unique marks of his sense of ministry.  It was touching in his final remarks when we recognized and thanked the students and alumni present, because we are the driving force behind the ministry.  I indeed remembering receiving such support, which spurred me on to be the best version of myself while committing myself to living this great gift of faith I had received.

Father Kevin demonstrates his commitment to his vocation, even in the sadness of leaving a wonderful community.  He faces the demands of discipleship, that he may faithfully serve our God, as we are all called to do.

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