Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 5, 2016: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We've spent many of the past few weeks since Easter Sunday celebrating the real, living presence of our Risen Savior Jesus Christ.

And we continue to celebrate His Resurrection as we gather Sunday after Sunday, especially with the readings for this Sunday, in which we hear of God's power over death.  There are two similar stories in about the dead being raised to life, sons of widowed mothers.  God shows that He cares for His people by providing for them, in this case, bringing widows their sons back from the dead so they have their support system--beautifully, Elijah and Jesus both hand the revived sons back to their mothers.

Indeed, the newness of life is a sign of God having come to be with us.  And so we cry out to God in faith to bring us newness of Life, and He responds to the faith we display before Him.

God constantly seeks to restore us to newness of life, we who were once dead in sin and alienated from God, like in the experience of St. Paul, which he in the 2nd reading.  He revealed Himself to us, by His Very Word, calling us to abide in a new way of life, in which we proclaim the Gospel, even through extraordinary deeds of mercy and compassion.

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