Monday, August 29, 2016

August 28, 2016: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God, Who was once so distant and stoked fear in our ancestors in faith, came to us humbly in Jesus Christ, and furthermore humbling Himself in death upon the Cross. He thereby made a New Covenant by which we can approach God confidently.  And in this New Covenant in which we stand He now calls to us to a way of life lived in humility He first demonstrated to us.

It is giving of ourselves to heed those who are lowly, not to receive a reward now, but rather, as Jesus says, on the day of the Resurrection of the Righteous.  This is the way God regards the poor and lowly, knowing we all are to some degree in a state of poverty and lowliness. and this is the way we follow as we strive toward the full realization of the Kingdom.

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