Wednesday, August 3, 2016

July 31, 2016: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The author of Ecclesiastes spends much of the book wrestling over the meaning of life, in the face of meaninglessness.  He comes to the conclusion that is espoused and expounded upon by the other readings.  By His Paschal Mystery, Christ has freed us from sin, has made us anew, and now secures us a place in Heaven.  Our lives now find purpose in striving for Heaven and accumulating Heavenly treasure, not being so fixated on earthly matters.  Jesus refers to a focus on wealth and enjoying its pleasures as foolishness, because it's so temporary.  Rather, He calls us to focus on building treasure in Heaven, which is everlasting, to the praise of God.

Focusing on Heaven above was fitting when attending Mass at St. Peter's in Cripple Creek, CO, at an elevation of nearly 2 miles above sea level, and even as the guest priest asked for support for his mission work in Kenya.

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