Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 12, 2016: Feast of La Virgen de Guadalupe (Te Quatlaxupe)

I attended a festive Mass at St. Mary of Celle Parish in Berwyn for this special feast.

One thing that stood out to me, noted especially in Padre Hugo's homily, was the idea that all humans have dignity that should be respected because God came to save us by becoming a human in Christ Jesus, born as a baby to Mary and Joseph.  He values human life so much that He came to be one of us.

And He continues to make Himself known to all peoples of the world, as He gave the knowledge of salvation to the indigenous people in colonial Mexico through the apparition of La Virgen de Guadalupe (Te Quatlaxupe) to San Juan Diego.  La Virgen looked like an Aztec, with darker skin.

How fitting the Psalm response is, "You are the Highest Honor of our race", that God should make known His salvation in Christ through such messengers as la Virgen and San Juan Diego.

And so we are now called to value all people as He does.

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