Sunday, December 4, 2016

December 4, 2016: Second Sunday in Advent

The prophets declare that God will come to the Earth once again, with justice, to make everything right, removing all that is wrong.  John the Baptist uses powerful images of fire to describe the impact the Messiah will make when He comes to the world.

God's coming to our world will totally remake the world, as the prophecy in Isaiah speaks about, with all creatures being in harmony, just like in Eden.

It seems fitting then we are called to change our ways to be in line with the new world God is bringing to us, to be in harmony with all other people.

St. Paul talks about being in harmony with others, even the Gentiles, whom God seeks to bring into His fold.

Indeed, Christ came as a light for all people, and that is the glory that we are waiting to behold.

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