Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 29, 2017: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God is calling us to a new way of life, with an attitude that embraces a kind of poverty.  It is a form of poverty in which we don't seek to gain everything for ourselves, but rather humbly seek after God.  He is the One Who cares about those who are in a lowly state, and raises them up to be with Him, that they may glorify Him.

The path to rising up to Him is laid out in the Beatitudes, as we embrace that spirit of poverty.  St. Paul writes about how the lowly, those who are considered nothing, are used by God to bring down those who are something, so that He alone is glorified.  And as sinners, that's how we all start out.  But we can take great consolation that God will raise us up by His power, which is beyond human understanding.  It's a glorious reality that is ours as we humbly accept it, giving ourselves to God even as we give ourselves to others.

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