Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017: Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

The world cannot be the same now that Christ has come, born as a baby, and abides with us forever as the Word Made Flesh.  He shines Light into our world, and compels us to seek Him, guided by that Light, just as the Magi did.

The major point of the Christmas message is that because Christ came to our world, He now appears anywhere and everywhere.  Christ can appear even in places we would not expect, and perhaps overlook.  He came to shine Light in all the world, so that all the nations would come to worship Him.  This is our glory as God's people.

Our mission now is to earnestly seek to acknowledge the presence of God wherever He appears, be transformed by the seeking and the encounter with Christ, and go forth to share the Light He gives us with all.  We offer Him our finest gifts, especially in adoring His presence in others.

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