Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 25, 2017: 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus sent forth His Apostles to proclaim openly and boldly the messages He gave them in secret, which is the mission we as His people have in our present day.  Because of sin and evil in the world, we are bound to face persecution in fulfilling this mission.  Yet we can take courage because He is with us.  He has conquered sin that entered the world through death because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve.  So while they may kill the body, they cannot harm our souls, because they are kept safe in Him, caring us even more so than for birds, because of Christ's graces flowing so abundantly onto us.

This weekend, the Sunday 11 AM Mass at Ascension Parish was the final Mass at which Deacon Lendell Richardson assisted, as he is moving onto an assignment at a new parish.  He has always given great homilies, and this one was no exception:  Drawing so richly from the readings, he spoke about the fears he's faced in the various experiences of his own life, and how in the midst of those fears, he has found reason to praise God, and entrust Himself to Him Who has lavished His care on us so richly.  It was stirring to hear those words spoken in such a heartfelt, real way from someone entering a time of transition, reminding us of how God calls all of us to entrust ourselves to Him, knowing we can count on the God Who has saved us.  A translation of Jesus's words in the Gospel passage renders, "Stop being afraid".  Indeed, in the midst of so much fear, we can stop being afraid, and cry out to Him in trust.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

June 18, 2017: Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Just as the bells that ring at the words of Institution during the Eucharistic prayer often at many places where Mass is celebrated summon our attention to something special happening, so this Feast is an annual opportunity to remember that something special is happening when we gather at Mass.

Jesus, the Bread come down from Heaven, comes to us to feed us in our state of need, which compels us to acknowledge God's Word as the one true source of sustenance in this life.  He brings us all, His people, together as One Body as we partake of the One Bread that is Him, as together we share in Him.  And He gives us Life as we partake of His Body and Blood.  Thus we live forever, and are filled with His Divine Life as we are sent forth into the world to meet the needs of those we encounter.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 11, 2017: Most Holy Trinity Sunday

While it's oft said that the Trinity is a hard to understand doctrine of our faith, we are aware of the presence of Godhead Who is three Persons of One Substance abiding with each other in harmony, and reflect that harmony in our own relationships.

We acknowledge God as Almighty, yet He is so near to us.  The relationship of the Trinity poured forth into bringing into existence all of Creation, so that God pervades everything.  In His mercy God makes Himself known to us, and draws us into a relationship with Him.  He pours forth His love on us in the presence of the Son Jesus Christ, Who came to Earth to make God real to us.  He brings us to Eternal Life, even now as He believe and abide in Him.  And He abides with us through Holy Spirit.

So we praise Him as the Trinity works in us to display peace and harmony with one another, and the very glory of God, Who is ever present.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

June 4, 2017: Pentecost Sunday

We celebrate the great feast commemorating when the Holy Spirit descended upon the gathered disciples of Jesus and fulfilled the promises of Jesus Christ and His New Covenant by bringing into being the Church.  We rejoice that the Holy Spirit is the bond that binds us together as the one Body of Christ.  The Holy Spirit is the very breath of God that brings the Life of the Risen Jesus into us.  With this Life in us, we are made alive and are sent forth to proclaim the Gospel that announces His Good News.  We are no longer divided by barriers that arise from our sinful world, like happened at Babel, as the Holy Spirit makes us one, connecting us with one another and God.  So we show the world that God is real, as we use our Holy Spirit-given gifts to proclaim the marvelous works of God Almighty, as His Spirit fills us.