Sunday, June 4, 2017

June 4, 2017: Pentecost Sunday

We celebrate the great feast commemorating when the Holy Spirit descended upon the gathered disciples of Jesus and fulfilled the promises of Jesus Christ and His New Covenant by bringing into being the Church.  We rejoice that the Holy Spirit is the bond that binds us together as the one Body of Christ.  The Holy Spirit is the very breath of God that brings the Life of the Risen Jesus into us.  With this Life in us, we are made alive and are sent forth to proclaim the Gospel that announces His Good News.  We are no longer divided by barriers that arise from our sinful world, like happened at Babel, as the Holy Spirit makes us one, connecting us with one another and God.  So we show the world that God is real, as we use our Holy Spirit-given gifts to proclaim the marvelous works of God Almighty, as His Spirit fills us.

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