Sunday, June 18, 2017

June 18, 2017: Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Just as the bells that ring at the words of Institution during the Eucharistic prayer often at many places where Mass is celebrated summon our attention to something special happening, so this Feast is an annual opportunity to remember that something special is happening when we gather at Mass.

Jesus, the Bread come down from Heaven, comes to us to feed us in our state of need, which compels us to acknowledge God's Word as the one true source of sustenance in this life.  He brings us all, His people, together as One Body as we partake of the One Bread that is Him, as together we share in Him.  And He gives us Life as we partake of His Body and Blood.  Thus we live forever, and are filled with His Divine Life as we are sent forth into the world to meet the needs of those we encounter.

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