Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 24, 2017: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As Isaiah speaks so eloquently in the first reading, God's ways are so above our ways, in how He lavishes us with His graces and mercy day by day.  It's like in the parable Jesus tells, in which the landowner gives so generously to all who he hires to work in the vineyard.

When it comes to God's grace, we can't put a monetary amount on it, for God freely grants it.  So let's not focus too much on what seems fair and unfair.  Let's instead turn our gaze upward, seeking after this great God of ours, so that He may be magnified in us in life or death, like St. Paul writes as conduct ourselves reverently before Him, seeking His Truth and living it fully all through our lives.  And let us rejoice in the ways that God grants His grace to each of us specially.

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