Sunday, September 3, 2017

September 3, 2017: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

As the disciples faced the reality of Who Jesus is in last weekend's Gospel, so now they must face the reality that as His disciples, they must follow Him in taking up the Cross.

Jeremiah came to know full well that the work of proclaiming God's message often brought him great misery, to the point that he no longer wanted to speak, much as Peter wanted to deny the reality that Christ would have to suffer and die.  But God's presence within us acts with such force and compels us to do the work, to take up the Cross.

Even if we try to pull back, something within us earnestly seeks God, because we know that in Him alone do we find a relationship that truly makes us whole and satisfied.  So we offer ourselves as living sacrifices, committing our whole selves to embracing the new reality we have now in Christ, as new beings, so that even our suffering is part of God's great plan to redeem the world and bring us to Himself.

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