Monday, November 20, 2017

November 19, 2017: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Paul urges us to stay awake and be sober as we await the coming of the Lord, because we are children of the Light and of the day.  Father Hurlbert offered an interesting insight in his homily, saying that for us to be awake means that we should be aware of our gifts and talents, using them for the glory of God.

We should live wisely, like the woman described in Proverbs, using the talents God has given us to do good.  We will know abundant blessings as we engage in relationship with God, using our gifts and talents, as a way of putting our faith into action.  For God has set us free to use the talents He has given us for a purpose, as we strive even now for the Kingdom that one day will come in fullness.

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