Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 5, 2017: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

The religious leaders of Jesus's day focused so much on outward actions so that they would be noticed, but ultimately they were not good examples of people striving toward God because they didn't follow their strict interpretation of the Law from the heart while burdening people with it.  Malachi called out the priests of his day for leading people away from God by their teachings.  So Jesus told His disciples not to follow their example, only their teachings.

Indeed, God desires for us to hear His Word and open our hearts to let it work in us.  St. Paul, in the spirit of Jesus, worked hard to proclaim the Gospel, even sharing his very self, among the people of Thessaloniki, and even marveled at how the Word of God worked in the community.  Truly St. Paul cared for the community, just like a mother.  His example of service was to be admired.  And so will ours as we let God's Word transform our hearts, and be brought alive by how we live it outwardly.

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