Sunday, January 14, 2018

January 14, 2018: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

What a powerful image there is in the 1st reading:  After Samuel's confusion is put to rest by Eli, the text of 1 Sameul says "God revealed His presence".

In our recent celebrations of the Christmas Season, we remember how God revealed His presence to us in Christ.  Now with that Presence here, He calls us to enter into a new way of Life, to "come and see" Who He is.  And then we offer ourselves to Him, dedicating our lives to abiding in His way, and extending His invitation.

During the recent Christmas Season was the Feast of the Holy Family, in which we recall how God entered into our world into a family, demonstrating the importance of relationships, which bring us to new Life, just as Andrew invited Simon to encounter the Messiah, and have a relationship with Jesus.

In this encounter, God transforms us, as He gave Simon a new name, and so sends us forth to a life of offering ourselves to Him.

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