Monday, January 29, 2018

January 28, 2018: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When God came to His people at Mount Sinai, His arrival was so terrifying the people couldn't stand to face Him, seeking someone to speak for Him instead.

And so Moses announces that God would send a prophet to speak His words to His people--and we see that prophet in Jesus Christ.  He came as fully God and fully man, so that He could approach people and engage with them.

And as the Gospel reading from Mark mentions multiple times, He came with authority in teaching and even commanding unclean spirits, so that they would come out of people, rather than those people's being forced to withdraw from the synagogue community.  This authority came because He is the Word of God Himself.

Now that God is here, it's time for us to take note of the words He speaks to us, not hardening our hearts, but focusing on being devoted to God in the lives we live.  By opening ourselves to Him, we experience the healing that leads to the fullness of Life, because the Word Jesus speaks by His authority transforms us fully through and through, even to transforming the whole world.

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