Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 29, 2018: Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus is the True Vine, providing His abundant Life, which is the sole means for us to bear fruit that will last for His Glory.

We remain in Him so that we will bear fruit and glorify Him, through His Spirit Who empowers us to show the Love He has first shown us.  We show Love in action and truth, as God's Life, through the Spirit, flows forth into us.

As we bear fruit and show His Love, we boldly proclaim Him before all the world, just like Saul did after his radical transformation, demonstrating the true power of God.

27 years ago on the Fifth Sunday of Easter, April 28, I experienced the Paschal Mystery in dying and rising to Christ's Life in the waters of baptism.  I celebrate that occasion throughout this weekend, which is special not only for what happened that day, but for what has happened on the journey that has taken place since that day, as I have grown as a disciple and born fruit for His Glory.

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