Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 8, 2018: Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday

In the Gospel reading, Jesus, now alive and risen from the dead, breathes new Life into the disciples, drawing them out of fear and filling them with His peace.  Mercy is an important theme we encountered in Lent, and we encounter it again this day in the presence of our Living Savior.

For Thomas, the news of the Risen Jesus stirs Him to express His doubt, rather than passively assenting to some idea.  And Jesus's appearance to him summons forth an amazing declaration of faith.

In the first reading from Acts, we see the continued effect of the Risen Jesus in a community of people who experience unity in Him, and share His love with one another by meeting each other's needs.

The Risen Jesus is truly alive and active in our midst, summoning forth great faith.  As we take the steps to acclaim true faith, we experience the victory of the Resurrection in our lives, because we are living the commandments Jesus gave us to show Love and mercy to one another, based on the reality of His death and resurrection.

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