Sunday, June 17, 2018

June 17, 2018: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Something I am aware of as a Religious Education catechist, and what I seek to emphasize to my students, is that growing in faith is a process.

In His own time, God does marvelous deeds.  It's just like a tiny mustard seed that becomes a huge plant.  And just as seed is planted in a field and then becomes a bountiful harvest, God does His work, producing in us abundant fruit of faith, though we may not quite understand how, nor be able to detect the slow process of how a plant grows from a seed to bearing fruit.  Yet, over time, we see the process of work, as we view growth from a different kind of perspective.  Even the transformation of what was devastated to being restored reminds us how great God's power is that works in us.

So we remain faithful, walking by faith even if we can't see nor understand how it happens, as we wait upon God for His timing of the harvest when the work of growing in faith bears fruit.  As we remain faithful, we notice that we flourish like an abundance of crops as we do our part and let God do His.  We do it to be faithful to the God to Whom we will give an account for our deeds in this life.  And ultimately, by our faithfulness, we recognize that God alone is the One Who has the power to do the extraordinary work of making us the people He desires for us to be.

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