Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 24, 2018: Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Nearly six months from the last celebration of the Lord's Nativity, and 6 months until the coming celebration, we have the opportunity this day to celebrate the birth of St. John the Baptist, who heralded the coming of Christ.

Even from before birth, God announced that John would be set apart for a special purpose, and at his birth, those present recognized this child was special, especially his father Zechariah whose tongue was loosed from muteness to proclaim God's praises.

Indeed, God has been working in us even before birth, wondrously fashioning us.  (I think about how my brother was able to part of history before he was born, as he attended the first night game at Wrigley Field 30 years ago this summer.)

And like St. John the Baptist, we are specially chosen by God to fulfill a purpose, living lives that proclaim that God is present in the world to save people, even as we rejoice in our own encounter with God's salvation.

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