Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 29, 2018: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God provides for us always, in overwhelming abundance.  He takes care of everything.  It is for us to respond in kind, opening ourselves to the marvelous ways His abundance is all around us, not only in the Eucharistic meal, but in the ways we experience His graces day by day.  And may we spread the goodness of those graces to others, living worthily of the abundance we have received, so we may be bound as the people of God.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

July 22, 2018: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the midst of the variety of troubles we face in this world, God has come to us in Jesus so that we are able to experience rest in Him.  He is a God Who is moved with deep compassion and greatly desires to guide us gentle in the right way to rest in Him.  This compassion contrasts with the terrible leadership in Israel as described in Jeremiah who did not do right in shepherding the people. 

(The final two verses from the Jeremiah reading actually appear in the words that appear on the screen at the beginning of The Nativity Story as a prophecy about Jesus.  Talk about a contrast between the ruthless King Herod and the gentle, humble Jesus born as a baby.)

We rejoice that God has sent us Jesus to be our Good Shepherd, which is a metaphorical image that is described so richly in Psalm 23.

And we see this theme again in the Gospel reading as Jesus gently guides His disciples to rest after their labors in missionary work, and is moved with deep compassion when He sees the crowd and recognizes they need guidance toward rest.

We indeed find rest in God because Jesus has reconciled us to God so that we can be at peace by having and growing in relationship with Him.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 15, 2018: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Paul is filled with elation as he describes in the 2nd reading from Ephesians 1 how we were chosen by Him to be part of His great plan.

We hear from Amos how he was chosen from working in the countryside to proclaiming a prophetic message before the King of Israel.  The king's response demonstrates the opposition faced by those who proclaim God's message.

But what matters for us is that we're faithful to doing what God has called us to do.  He has chosen us, and sealed us with the Holy Spirit, which points the way toward entering His presence in Heaven, and we're making Heaven present now as we do His work, as justice, peace, and truth flourish in the land.

I think about how I started teaching RE, with little educational training, and I've built up so much momentum with it as I connect with my students.  And in spite of the struggles I face to help these youths encounter God's presence, I remind myself to be faithful to the call God has given me to do His work, knowing I have been chosen, and, like on the day of my Confirmation, have been sealed with the power of the Holy Spirit so I have the ability to do His work no matter what as part of this great plan He has.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 8, 2018: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ever since humans first appeared and then disobeyed God, He has passionately sought after His people, proclaiming His messages through various prophets.  And throughout all that time, some people have not heeded the words of the prophets because they are hard of heart.

Yet God's message still stands, even when we don't open ourselves up to embracing it.  It will stand until we summon forth faith to realize He alone is the One Who we can count to be present for us at all times.  When we respond by acting out our faith and do our in part in the proclamation of His message, He will make Himself known through us, even if others don't respond righteously.

In all circumstances, we can count on God.  He even helps us in our weaknesses when He magnifies His power by aiding us.  So we rejoice that we can lean on God, Who is always strong, and manifests Himself in our humble obedience to Him.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1, 2018: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The reading from Wisdom speaks to the reality that God intended for His Creation to be abundant in Life from His Living Presence.  He never intended death to be part of it, but that happened through people's disobedience and cooperation with the devil's connivings.

So Christ came to free us from death and all the ill effects of sin.  He poured out Himself, so that we might experience the riches of His life-giving grace.  Now, no longer does anything have to lead to death because Christ is present to us, so long as we reach out in faith to embrace that life-giving presence.  And in living out that faith in this world, we offer that Life-giving presence to others.  It's just like St. Junipero Serra, whose feast day is on July 1, who strove tirelessly to proclaim the Gospel to people in present-day California.