Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1, 2018: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The reading from Wisdom speaks to the reality that God intended for His Creation to be abundant in Life from His Living Presence.  He never intended death to be part of it, but that happened through people's disobedience and cooperation with the devil's connivings.

So Christ came to free us from death and all the ill effects of sin.  He poured out Himself, so that we might experience the riches of His life-giving grace.  Now, no longer does anything have to lead to death because Christ is present to us, so long as we reach out in faith to embrace that life-giving presence.  And in living out that faith in this world, we offer that Life-giving presence to others.  It's just like St. Junipero Serra, whose feast day is on July 1, who strove tirelessly to proclaim the Gospel to people in present-day California.

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