Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 15, 2018: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Paul is filled with elation as he describes in the 2nd reading from Ephesians 1 how we were chosen by Him to be part of His great plan.

We hear from Amos how he was chosen from working in the countryside to proclaiming a prophetic message before the King of Israel.  The king's response demonstrates the opposition faced by those who proclaim God's message.

But what matters for us is that we're faithful to doing what God has called us to do.  He has chosen us, and sealed us with the Holy Spirit, which points the way toward entering His presence in Heaven, and we're making Heaven present now as we do His work, as justice, peace, and truth flourish in the land.

I think about how I started teaching RE, with little educational training, and I've built up so much momentum with it as I connect with my students.  And in spite of the struggles I face to help these youths encounter God's presence, I remind myself to be faithful to the call God has given me to do His work, knowing I have been chosen, and, like on the day of my Confirmation, have been sealed with the power of the Holy Spirit so I have the ability to do His work no matter what as part of this great plan He has.

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