Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

With the end of the liturgical year, the readings focus us toward the End of Time.  It is then that God will pronounce His judgment on the Earth and unleash His power to vanquish all evil and restore everything to the order He intended for it in His righteousness, bringing His people back to Himself in His loving embrace.

He has already begun this work in Christ, Who offered Himself as the one perfect sacrifice that makes us right before Him.  In Him, we now dwell securely.  And so when signs described in Daniel and Mark--our final reading from St. Mark's Gospel this liturgical year--appear that Christ will return to usher in the end of the ages when God judges evil, we will shine brightly as the ones who have been purified because we hold to His ways of love and justice.

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