Sunday, November 25, 2018

November 25, 2018: Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe

The 1st and 2nd readings, along with the Psalm response, picture Christ as a King in Great Glory.

He earned this Glory because of how He stood up for the values of Truth and righteousness, in the face of all the world's unrighteousness, described eloquently in an exchange between Jesus and Pilate right before His Crucifixion, which reveals an epic struggle occurring on a higher level between Truth and unrighteousness.

It is clear that the power of Christ's Kingdom lies in the reality that it is not a Kingdom of this world.  It transcends this world, and stands for Truth, Justice, Peace, Righteousness, and Love.  As a King, Christ embraced great humility to free humanity from sin and restore us to a righteous relationship with God.  His Throne was the Cross.

Just like St. Paul writes in Philippians, Christ humbled Himself, and now is greatly exalted, because we recognize our salvation's Source is this Great King Who gave Himself for us, so we could reign with Him forever, acclaiming His Glory.  We do so even now as we stand for the Truth of those values of His Kingdom, as they work in our hearts, so we impact our world.

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