Sunday, April 21, 2019

April 21, 2019: Easter Sunday of the Lord's Resurrection

The tomb is empty, for Christ had to rise from the dead to fulfill the word of God proclaimed for ages past.

He chose us, His people, to encounter the Risen Presence of Christ and go forth to proclaim this great Good News that He is alive.  For now that Christ our Pascal Lamb has been sacrificed, as St. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians, we live in sincerity and truth, looking above to Heaven, as he writes in Colossians, where we are headed to attain the fullness of Eternal Life, won for us by the Risen Christ.

On the way, we testify to the reality of the Resurrection so all may know the gifts that flow forth from the Empty Tomb, and the Risen Christ, Whom we encounter day by day as we walk in newness of Life that leads to glorious Life Eternal.

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