Sunday, April 28, 2019

April 28, 2019: 2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday

Christ was once dead, but now is alive forever and ever.  He reigns as the Mighty One over all Creation, which He redeems by His blood shed on the Cross.  Now that He lives forever and ever, He imparts to us newness of life, which brings us peace, joy, and healing, so we can be free from all that weighs us down.

And He brings us together as a community of faith, where we make Him present to one another, and then are sent forth, filled with His powerful living presence to make Him known in the world, and share the peace, joy, and healing He grants us.

It is by the power of faith that we continue recognizing His presence, just as I have since that day 28 years ago today when I died to self and rose to new Life in Christ, a newness of Life I have lived in so many ways, which I celebrated today.

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