Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 11, 2019: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We have been given a great treasure in the gift of faith that brings us into relationship with God.

In order for this gift of faith to really mean something, we have to work at building it, stewarding it with great care:  We let our faith influence our lives, as we give of ourselves in serving others so that God is truly made present.

We demonstrate faithfulness to the God Who is so faithful in attending to us and revealing Himself so we can have a relationship with Him.

I've spent much time this weekend hob-knobbing with presidents at sites pertainign to them, specifically Herbert Hoover and Abraham Lincoln.  Like John F. Kennedy said, as is indicated in the Gospel reading, good leaders recognize that being given much power means having greater expectations upon us.

Indeed, what a great gift of faith we have been given, which calls us to greatness in our living.

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