Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 18, 2019: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Christ came, like all the prophets before Him, including Jeremiah, to proclaim God's Truth.

But some are opposed to God's Truth and so oppose His messengers.

So Jesus declares that His mission on Earth causes division when people oppose Him, a mission that drives Him so strongly, it leads to His death.  Yet it is part of His Passion, a baptism by which the world is set ablaze that it may be restored to the way God intended it.

As His disciples, we follow in His way to proclaim the Truth of God, and we face opposition for it as did our master, and the prophets before Him.  Yet, we press forth, surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, striving on in our mission, in our journey of faith, to attain the goal of our faith, passing through the Cross to the joy of the fullness of redemption.

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