Sunday, September 1, 2019

September 1, 2019: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the past, God's people were afraid to approach Him as He manifested Himself in terrifying glory on Mount Sinai.

Now, we can access God in a less terrifying way as we draw near the Heavenly Jerusalem.  There, we encounter a festal throng, and Jesus, the mediator of the new Covenant, Who makes it possible to draw so close to God by faith.

Similar to last weekend's readings, though, this faith compels something of us.  It calls us into a new way of Life, based on humility, as we follow after the One through Whom we have access to the Father.

We are not to seek the best for ourselves, or to have repayment for our kindness.  We are to seek to give of ourselves, putting others in a place higher than us, as we strive on toward the Heavenly Jerusalem where we will ultimately receive the reward of glorifying God in His very presence as we have done so on Earth to those around us.

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