Sunday, September 29, 2019

September 29, 2019: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In tones similar to last week's liturgy, God calls us to use our wealth for good purposes, and not focus solely on amassing wealth for our own pleasure.

The rich man, like those criticized in Amos, took pleasure his wealth, and totally neglected the needy, like Lazarus who was at his front door.

God stands ready to judge those who heed not the needs around them, and like Mary proclaims in the Magnificat, He will reverse the fortunes of this world, bringing the comforted to great despair in the next life, as He brings great comfort to those afflicted in this life.

We can use our wealth for good purposes when we live in the virtues and righteousness to which St. Paul calls Timothy.

Even as we are promised the fullness of Eternal Life one day, we share in a portion of it even now.  So let us lay hold of this Eternal Life that God calls us to, and pursue the ways of faith, the great gift granted to us by God.

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