Sunday, January 12, 2020

January 12, 2020: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

I so delighted that we can bring the Christmas Season to a wonderful conclusion with today's Feast, celebrating how God revealed Himself through His Son at His baptism.

While St. John the Baptist may have been right to acknowledge Jesus as mightier than Him, Christ was also humble enough to identify Himself with humanity, which was why He asked John for baptism.

Christ was baptized so that He could fulfill the mission of God to bring His righteousness to all the Earth, which comes down to our call to be holy in our own lives.  He was baptized to fulfill the calling that Isaiah writes of, in which the Servant brings healing to the world, freedom to those imprisoned and in darkness, and light to all the nations.

Our world was broken by sin, but Christ came to fix us, and make us right before God.  Father Bob very insightfully shared at Mass at Ascension this morning that Christ shows us what it means to be human, which means we are without sin.  As we submit ourselves to the presence of God in our world, which comes into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, we can truly live holy as He is Holy.

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