Sunday, January 26, 2020

January 26, 2020: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the recent Christmas Season, we celebrated the coming of the Light of the World.

We celebrate this Sunday how that light shines:  It breaks into darkness, as Jesus proclaims that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, a fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah of a light shining on those in gloom and darkness.  This light is so powerful in piercing through the darkness.  And the proclamation of Jesus is powerful, as He calls disciples to follow Him, and brings healing to those who are ailing.  So today, He calls us to change our lives in following Him, for He brings light to the darkness in us, so we can live abundantly.  He truly is our light and salvation, the only One Who stirs up hope in our lives.

All this happens with a Word, the Very Word of God.

It's fitting this weekend to acknowledge the role of lectors in making God's Word come alive, that we all may encounter God's presence.

And this weekend I think back a year ago to the powerful encounter with God I had gathered with the masses at World Youth Day 2019 in Panama, as Pope Francis led us to understand the call God gives to be an influence in our world, letting God's Word work in us, as Mary opened herself to the Word, which she bore.

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