Sunday, May 31, 2020

May 31, 2020: Pentecost Sunday

Jesus had promised, and on this day, the Holy Spirit descended upon the gathered church in the noise like wind and in tongues as of fire.

The Holy Spirit was the breath of God that made them alive, uniting them as one, and giving them the ability to speak the language of faith that could be understood by all people from throughout the world.  And as Jesus pronounced in the Gospel, the Holy Spirit makes forgiveness of sins possible, because it is the sign of New Life we have in Christ, Who died and rose again.

The Holy Spirit continues this work in us:  He brings the life of the Risen and Ascended Christ into our hearts, so we can proclaim the reality of God, each in unique ways, through our lives.  We proclaim the message of reconciliation, made possible by the Paschal Mystery, which now takes up residence inside of us.  It is a message that this world greatly needs in difficulties as we face now.

So we go forth, with this proclamation as our mission, doing so as One Church, bound together by the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020: Ascension Sunday

In the spirit of glory that marks Resurrection Sunday, we celebrate Christ's Ascension into Heaven.

We marvel at the working of God's power to raise Him from the dead, and then raise Him to Heaven.

Like with all other aspects of the Paschal Mystery, the Ascension is not something we watch Christ experience from the sidelines.  He promises that we will tread the same path to enter the glory of the Father.

And we experience His glory now, because He, endowed with great power by virtue of His Resurrection, has given us a share in His mission to disciple the people of the world into this way of Life in which we live.  He empowers us through the promised Holy Spirit, Who guides us each step of the way.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 17, 2020: Sixth Sunday of Easter

As Jesus prepares for His departure, He speaks at the Last Supper about the Holy Spirit.

Even though He's leaving, the Apostles will see Him again, because He will send another Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be His presence continuing with them.

And the Holy Spirit will allow His disciples to know the Father and share in the special relationship that the Father and Son have.

As the reading in the Acts of the Apostles describes, the Holy Spirit comes upon people in great power, as those Apostles bestow it upon the Samaritans through the laying on of hands, as they do others as the church expands to be universal in scope.  The Bishops continue to call down the Holy Spirit in the sacraments.

Surely the Holy Spirit is part of the reason we can give for the hope we have, because we know God remains with us so powerfully, helping us through all difficulties, aware that God is at work with His redemptive power.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 10, 2020: Fifth Sunday of Easter

The opening words for today's Gospel passage from John 14 speak so powerfully in the pandemic situation at hand: "Do not let your hearts be troubled."

And that's really true.

While Jesus spoke these words before His tragic death, they take on great power because of His Resurrection.  We don't have to be afraid because Jesus rose from the dead and now gives us Life, because He is the Way to the Father, and He is Truth that stands always.

This reality gives us great joy now, for we can rest in the assurance that we have abundance of new Life even now in Him.

Certainly, on this Mothers' Day, we come to know the power of His Love revealed in the ways we share love with our moms, who constantly give us life from the time we first existed.

He is guiding us in this life to meet the needs that arise in this world, like in the situation presented in Acts 6, when the apostles devise a plan to meet the needs of Greek widows, carried out by the Holy Spirit empowering a group of Greeks, the first deacons.

And we who have this reality imparted to us by the power of the Holy Spirit are coming together as a house, built of individual stones, on Christ, the chief cornerstone, that we may live to His praise, because He has brought us from darkness into light.  Cooperating with the Holy Spirit, we participate in doing the work of the Father, doing the greater works that Jesus said we would do because He has sent His Spirit to empower us.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 3, 2020: Fourth Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday

Christ is our Good Shepherd Who guides us to Eternal Life and lays down His life for us, His flock.

He sacrifices Himself even for us when we are wayward sheep who stray from the flock.

And He rose again from death, living forever, so close to us.  Indeed, Christ continues to protect us, as He guides us along the narrow way, so that even in the midst of all the troubles we face, we are safe in the assurance of Eternal Life, which He won for us by His Death and Resurrection.

Indeed, He has come so that we may experience abundant Life to the full, for as He leads us to Eternal Life, He already grants us a new lease on life.